Tuesday 19 February 2008

weekend warrior!!! the genuine....

well well well well WELL!!!

what a wekend it was, the weekend of 9-10 feb. i ended up in office on both days!!

we've had classes on a sunday in iim, several friends of mine have worked on weekends, i've heard them grumble and i've pitied them and felt some contempt, but this was the first time i experienced it myself. and i felt like a trooper, a slogger, a workhorse, etc. no jokes!

it all started on the wednesday before that weekend. the country head gave me some work and put me under the charge of vodhi....and looking at the work, i was thrilled. it seemed like an exciting challenge. it also seemed to be a way of making a difference. i think i was kind of wrong in these assumptions.

it was a lot of dirty work. i ended up missing the PE/RE meet at the renaissance on thursday and friday. i was one of only 7-8 people in office on saturday. that too till 7 pm. and one of two people on sunday. that was till almost 4. and it was all unexpected. the string of unexpected delays led to a string of dismay, which finally turned into disgust, i dont know exactly where.

what i basically had to do was create a template for a portfolio monitor, to be used for clients with investments of more than INR 500 million.

i thought i was done on friday evening, and was very happy with myself for meeting a deadline. office on saturday was supposed to be a 10 minute review with JH, and then on to the weekend!! well that review was postponed to late afternoon. but that was before early afternoon when we were given more work. that started the dismay. he kept asking for more from the MIS till at 7, vodhi said he had a movie to go to, so lets work tomorrow instead. he said he would pick me up from dadar at 10 am. that was that.

next morning i ended up following him to office around 10:20, reached there, had a struggle to get in since lifts werent working and door was locked. worked till 4, then i finally left. to have my first meal of the day. i was more disgusted than words could express, mostly coz the delays had been needless.

that being said, i managed to have fun as well. watched a movie on friday, mithya, after dinner at zaffran. saturday we watched fool's gold in versova, then went to club escape (a truly sad place), with a late late dinner at kareem's, bandra. and sunday was chilled, spent at phoenix mills, in front of xbox, and finally a lavish 900 per head dinner at out of the blue with murli and dipu.

finally, in epilogue, i did 2 more portfolios. they took much lesser time, but were almost equally frustrating. hopefully i'm done with that now!

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