Sunday 16 December 2007

another nice weekend.....

hello all!!!

well i had another nice weekend. and that matters to me most....
see weekdays are usually swallowed in the bulk by office hours....and it can get pretty i try to ensure i do as much as possible over the weekends, and meet as many people as possible also

true to my goal, friday night i went out with priyanka. after a long session at the gym, i picked her up and we went to colaba, to a very nice little place called basilico's and ate a delectable meal with soup, entree and desserts with a juice. then we went back home and watched a movie called 'cube zero', and i dropped her home at around 2. the evening didnt end on a very pleasant note though....

friday i had office, but being a victim of disguised umemployment thanks to the to-be-launched shadow rm program, i left around noon.
met up with shek, shef and suhail and we watched 'i am legend' at metro adlabs, which was quite a nice movie. then we dropped shef home and went to bandra, where we met dipu. he was to take us shopping, but being dipu, he got us lost as usual, so we just walked a lot, had some sugarcane juice, and then went to G7to watch 'heartbreak kid', which was also quite nice.

got home around 9, to find murarka waiting for us. shek had gone with shef, and dipu with his other friends. so the remaining 3 of us went and had some frankies at tibbs, walked a little along shivaji park, then went back to bandra. we were looking for a club called 'dusk' till we found out it had closed a year back. so we ended up back at our favourite haunt, hawaiian shack. the crowd was more barren this time, but the three of us had a nice time drinking, dancing and checking out!! got home and slept by 2....

sunday i went to pixie and prasanna's for lunch. they have a nice place in kalina, and it was nice catching up with them and having some nice food.
got home around 430 and played xbox with the gang. evening was spent cleaning, with even shek in the hygiene mode somehow!!! there was a party going on in the complex, which we checked out. dipu came over, and ruchi he and i ordered dinner from dominos, which was free coz it came late and the order was wrong to boot. then we watched 'carry on in the jungle' on my lappy, and the evening was concluded by a nice walk around the block with dipu and shek.

aaah.....the feeling of achievement!!!!! :)

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