Sunday 9 December 2007


its been about a little over 6 months since i shifted to mumbai...
its been a very mixed period....i've had the frustrations to work, the trials of living with people outside family, the irritations of a slowly choking city, and the highs of beings with friends, meeting people, doing things, having no restrictions outside of those that are self imposed

but all these different experiences, while giving me a mixed outcome of life in mumbai, have created a whole new world of memories for me.....a world that's new since i'm now working. its a world which is routine to an extent, which negates the need for a camera. but i want to save these memories. i'm posting a new blog right now, but i hope its the first in a line of many, so i can then look back at these moments fondly.

sitting with the laptop on my lap, tv on in front of me, tuned in to vh1, shek sleeping like a log, after a lunch of dominos pizza and garlic bread and coke, read newspapers strewn about, pillow propped up behind me. sounds nice, doesnt it? a nice, slow sunday that feels like home. worth remembering, even if its trivial. the grains of sand to fill the spaces between larger stones.....

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